Smallville Season Finale Liveblog

Posted: May 15, 2011 in Action Figures, Cartoons, Comics, Kids, Scifi, Superhero, Toys, TV
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Instead of writing a review of Smallville’s Series finale I decided to live blog a bit and then just publish it. Here goes…

Can’t help but feel a little sentimental knowing this is the last beginning of Smallville. I might’ve even had a tear in there for a second. Can’t watch something this long without some emotional attachment…

Yes! He flies finally! They’re addressing all his incessant self-loathing and insecurities!! Yes!!!

I was really hoping they would do a little more justice to the Lionel character. He was always so wonderfully devious, a true snake among men. He was reduced to a sniveling, obsessed, puppet by the end. I guess that was to show that even the most evil people can be destroyed by the bigger fish.

Oliver got a nice redemption. I can deal with that. I would’ve liked a little more and I would really have liked at least a glimpse of the Justice League but that’s ok.

Poor Tess. You got the feeling at the onset of the show that she was doomed. Killed by her own brother and yet she got the last laugh. Would be a fabulous setup for a spinoff, say…called Metropolis?!? Ok, I’m just reaching here I suppose. Would be a fun experiment though…

Ok I totally got chills when his dad hands him the suit…

You knew he would right that plane. Kinda cute really. Just pushing away the planet was a little lame to fix everything…

Ok that flash to the future fixed everything. That was beautiful! Jimmy where he belongs and it’s the original actor playing his own little brother. Nicely done. Great Caesars Ghost! A must have line. Luther as President, total comic book storyline. Perfect. Oh how I would love a spinoff! Ok I need to stop this…

He was in the suit. We saw him do his thing. It didn’t look too cheesy. I’m happy. Give them a budget and make a new series please!! Ok that’s my last rant…

All around great send off. Really happy with the ending. Did justice to everyone more or less. I go to sleep happy…

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